One of the most important aspects of running a successful eCommerce business is your shipping strategy. Choosing the correct shipping solution for your Shopify eCommerce store means you will look for a partner with not only great rates and reliable service, but the know-how to seamlessly connect your eStore to their shipping system.
With Flagship, you have the “better price” without having to be a big buyer. In fact, our mission is to help small volume shippers gain access to great shipping rates on top of having the best, most reliable, customer support in the industry.
For businesses new to shipping, the process can sometimes feel overwhelming. Then, add in a layer of learning how-to ship fragile items, for the process to begin to feel complicated and stressful. We can help!
For anyone with a Wix store, or thinking of starting an online business, we can help you develop shipping strategies to help your business succeed. With FlagShip’s discounted shipping rates integrated directly to your store. Learn more.
The customer service team at FlagShip spends their day helping customers with their shipping needs. Our team has gathered a list of helpful tips relating to processing an import and / or export shipment – read more.
Learn how to leverage eCommerce shipping companies, using them to improve the logistics of your small business and integrate them into your ecommerce store.
Every small business has the same intention of protecting the business bottom-line. Keeping costs down, including shipping, is an important success factor. Choosing the right shipping solution can save you time and money and spare you needless frustration.
A one-stop shop model is particularly appealing to small businesses that must leverage their time and money to remain profitable. Here’s how FlagShip’s system is a one-stop shop for all your shipping needs.